Welcome to the Crafty Calendar Challenge. Our challenges start on the first Saturday of every month. Please come and Join us, you might even win a prize from one of our monthly sponsors! Happy Crafting!

Saturday 5 October 2024

Crafty Calendar October Challenge 'Anything Goes'

 Hi Everyone! and welcome back to our October challenge! The theme of this month's challenge is 'Anything Goes' and there is a lovely prize for the winner:-

Now over to some fab creations made by the Design Team!






The Design Team will do their very best to comment
 on each and every blog ...but as some DO NOT have access to Wordpress..Pinterest..Splitcoast Stampers and other's besides Blogger we may not be able to leave you a comment but your entry will be viewed and counted as normal 

A huge thank you to our Design Team!!! as usual some fabulous creations...Please don't forget to read the rules on the right-hand side of the blog - No back linking and your entry must go with our theme and only 3 entries....The challenge will end on the 28th October at 8.00 pm so it's over to you! and have fun!!! 

Hugs Sue & The Crafty Girls xxxxxxxx

Friday 6 September 2024

Winner and Top 3 picks for August AND an important announcement.

 Hi everyone,  I'm here with the winner and Top 3 picks for our August Challenge but first I have an important message for you.

Sadly, there will be no challenge for September.

Sue our lovely leader is taking time out to recover from recent surgery and ongoing treatment. She needs to rest for a while so a complete break seemed the most sensible option. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her a complete and speedy recovery. Hopefully, we will see you in October if she's feeling well enough by then. 

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our August Challenge, lovely to see so many fabulous entries.

First our lucky winner, chosen at random is

#64 Lisa

Congratulations Lisa, a wonderful Halloween card, please email Sue, address on the sidebar, to claim your lovely prize.

Now for our fabulous Top 3 picks, chosen by the design team.

#2 CraftiCarri

#43 Meghan

86 Carole J

Well done ladies, beautiful creations! Please take your Top 3 badge from the sidebar.

Well that's it for now, thank you so much for supporting our challenges and all your lovely entries. 

We hope to be back before too long.

hugs from the Crafty Girls.


Saturday 3 August 2024

Crafty Calendar August Challenge - Anything Goes

 Hi everyone! and welcome to our August Challenge we have no sponsor this month so instead we have a prize and the theme this month is 'Anything Goes'. The prize is 2 sets of Studio Light 'Grunge' Stamps. I also must repeat that there are on 3 ENTRIES allowed each month any more than that and they will be disqualified from the draw

The Winner and Top 3 of our July challenge are on the previous post now onto some gorgeous creations from our Design Team




The Design Team will do their very best to comment
 on each and every blog ...but as some DO NOT have access to Wordpress..Pinterest..Splitcoast Stampers and other's besides Blogger we may not be able to leave you a comment but your entry will be viewed and counted as normal 

A huge thank you to our Design Team!!! as usual some fabulous creations...Please don't forget to read the rules on the right-hand side of the blog - No back linking and your entry must go with our theme and only 3 entries....The challenge will end on the 28th August  at 8.00 pm so it's over to you! and have fun!!! 

Hugs Sue & The Crafty Girls xxxxxxxx