Welcome to the Crafty Calendar Challenge. Our challenges start on the first Saturday of every month. Please come and Join us, you might even win a prize from one of our monthly sponsors! Happy Crafting!

Friday 6 September 2024

Winner and Top 3 picks for August AND an important announcement.

 Hi everyone,  I'm here with the winner and Top 3 picks for our August Challenge but first I have an important message for you.

Sadly, there will be no challenge for September.

Sue our lovely leader is taking time out to recover from recent surgery and ongoing treatment. She needs to rest for a while so a complete break seemed the most sensible option. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her a complete and speedy recovery. Hopefully, we will see you in October if she's feeling well enough by then. 

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our August Challenge, lovely to see so many fabulous entries.

First our lucky winner, chosen at random is

#64 Lisa

Congratulations Lisa, a wonderful Halloween card, please email Sue, address on the sidebar, to claim your lovely prize.

Now for our fabulous Top 3 picks, chosen by the design team.

#2 CraftiCarri

#43 Meghan

86 Carole J

Well done ladies, beautiful creations! Please take your Top 3 badge from the sidebar.

Well that's it for now, thank you so much for supporting our challenges and all your lovely entries. 

We hope to be back before too long.

hugs from the Crafty Girls.



  1. Thank you for a top pick! Good luck on your surgery and recovery! I'm sure it will go great! See you in October!

  2. Best wishes to Sue for a speedy recovery!

  3. I hope Sue recovers very soon. Hugs, María.

  4. All the best and a good recovery Sue!

  5. Speedy recovery wishes Sue, take care!

  6. Thinking of you and praying for a full recovery!!!

  7. Hope Sue will get better soon.

  8. Thank you to Mr Random for choosing my card as the winner. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you will be back soon


Thanks so much for entering this months challenge! We look forward to seeing your fabulous creations!